Zahra Aghaei graduated a M.Sc. in software engineering from Imam Khomeini International University, QAZVIN, IRAN. I’m interested in interdisciplinary studies and research in using machine learning and deep learning models in healthcare (especially white box machine learning models) and also, applying game inspired designs (gamification and serious games) in health care and eduction, especially in cognitive assessments and cognitive training and various cognitive disorders like attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD), and Learning Disibilities. I have more than 6 years in game inspired designs.
My research experience and topics at Imam Khomeini International University mainly include:
Applying game-inspired designs like gamification and serious games in different context such as
education, healthcare, and knowledge sharing especially using GBIs in cognitive assessment and
cognitive training for various disorders like attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder, autism
spectrum disorder, and learning difficulties like dyslexia (reading disorder). Designing appropriate
logbooks for a light source facility (Iranian Light Source Facility (ILSF)) is another my research
area. I also gained some knowledge of bioinformatics, machine learning, deep learning, data
retrieval, big data, and data mining during my master degree.
Thesis Title: A frameworkfor gamifying cognitive assessment and cognitive training
Thesis Score: 18.90 (out of 19)
I was a participant of the data science winter school held in the framework of GraDAna EU
Project with collaboration of several Iranian universities and the University of Bonn, Technical
University of Vienna, and Aristotle University of Thessaloniki which focused on elevating needed
DA skills of Iranian graduates according to the latest international trends.
B.S.E. SOFTWARE ENG. Shariati Technical College, Tehran, IRAN [2012-14]
As a student at Shariati Technical College [STC], I have extended my programming skills and
my understanding of the computer world. I have become interested in web technologies,
especailly making online games ASP. Net, Socket programinng, JavaScript, CSS3, HTML5,
Jquery, Node js.
Final Project: This project had two main part: First, Design an online game website with
and SQL Server. Second, implementing an online two player chess game with JavaScript,
JQuery, CSS3, Sprite Sheet, Html5, websocket protocol for creating game server and game
client (Programming server side in .NET and client side with JavaScript).
Score: 19.75 (out of 20)
A.S. SOFTWARE ENG.Lorestan university, Lorestan, IRAN [2009-11]
At the university of Lorestan [LU] I have obtained basic knowledge about computer world and
programming languages like C++ and Java. I have found my favorite lessons :): Programming and
Data structure
Final Project: I was programmed an application with C++ language and that get student
information like, name, family, address, and so on was created. For accessing information after
exiting the program, the information is saved in a text file. The app interface has below menu:
Add new student member personal information and save this in a text file
Edit student’s record
Delete a student record
Retrieve and Show all student records in an ordered list structure (for ordering, first, records in
a list data structure are retrieved then they are inserted in a Binary Search Tree (BST) data
structure. Finally, the ordered list is shown with traversing the BST).
Score: 20 (out of 20)
Machine learning
Deep learning
Developing white box machine learning models for healthcare applications
Offline and stream data clustering
Game inspired desings like gamification and serious games in healthcare (especially for disorders like ADHD, learning disibilities, Autism spectrum disorder) and eduction Gamification
Cognitive science (cognitive assessment and cognitive training)
Game design psychology
National Conferences
Zahra Aghaei and Ali Khaleghi. “Use Gamification in knowledge management systems”, 2nd national conference on interdisciplinary research in computer engineering, electricity, mechanics and mechatronics, Bueenzahra universiy, Qazvin, Iran, 2017
Maedeh Takhttavani, Zahra Aghaei, and Ali Khaleghi. “Design an appropriate electronic logbook system for use in a light source facility”, 2nd national conference on interdisciplinary research in computer engineering, electricity, mechanics and mechatronics, Bueenzahra universiy, Qazvin, Iran, 2017
International Conferences
Khaleghi A, Aghaei Z, Mahmoudi K, Haider H, Imani I, Akabri M, et al. “A Literature Review of the Efforts Made for Employing Machine Learning in Synchrotrons”. 18th International Conference on Accelerator and Large Experimental Physics Control Systems (ICALEPCS 2021). 2021. p. 1–8. [Google Scolar]
Journals Articles
Khaleghi A, Aghaei Z, Mahdavi M. A. “A Gamification Framework for Cognitive Assessment and Cognitive
Training: Qualitative Study” JMIR Serious Games 2021;9(2):e21900 DOI: 10.2196/21900 [CrossRef]
Khaleghi A, Aghaei Z, & Behnamghader, M. (2022). “Developing two game-based interventions for dyslexia
therapeutic interventions using gamification and serious games approaches” Entertainment Computing 42
(2022) 100482 DOI: 10.1016/j.entcom.2022.100482 [CrossRef]
Khaleghi, A., Aghaei, Z., & Hosseinnia, F. (2022). “Toward Using Effective Elements in Adults’ Amblyopia
Treatment in a Virtual Reality-Based Gamified Binocular Application”. Entertainment Computing 43 (2022)
100504 DOI: 10.1016/j.entcom.2022.100504 [CrossRef]
Articles under Review
Khaleghi, Ali, Narimani, Abbas, Aghaei, Zahra, Khorrami Banadaki, Anahita, and Hassani-Abharian,
Peyman. “Development and Assessment of a Smartphone Gamified Virtual Reality Exposure
Therapy Augmented with Biofeedback Tools for Ailurophobia: Mixed Methods”
Khaleghi, Ali and Aghaei, Zahra. “A position study to identify light cognitive disorders obstacles affecting
smart educational systems’ success and examine gamification as a possible solution”
4. Reviewed Articles
Mitre-Hernandez H, Covarrubias Carrillo R, Lara-Alvarez C Pupillary Responses for Cognitive Load Measurement to Classify Difficulty Levels in an Educational Video Game: Empirical Study
JMIR Serious Games 2021;9(1):e21620 DOI: 10.2196/21620 [CrossRef]
Fonteneau T, Billion E, Abdoul C, Le S, Hadchouel A, Drummond D Simulation Game Versus
Multiple Choice Questionnaire to Assess the Clinical Competence of Medical Students:
Prospective Sequential Trial J Med Internet Res 2020;22(12):e23254 DOI: 10.2196/23254
Aji M, Gordon C, Stratton E, Calvo R, Bartlett D, Grunstein R, Glozier N Framework for the
Design Engineering and Clinical Implementation and Evaluation of mHealth Apps for Sleep
Disturbance: Systematic Review J Med Internet Res 2021;23(2):e24607 DOI: 10.2196/24607
Yin A, Gheissari P, Lin I, Sobolev M, Pollak J, Cole C, Estrin D Role of Technology in SelfAssessment and Feedback Among Hospitalist Physicians: Semistructured Interviews and
Thematic Analysis J Med Internet Res 2020;22(11):e23299 DOI:10.2196/23299 [CrossRef]
Keenan A, Tsourtos G, Tieman J The Value of Applying Ethical Principles in Telehealth
Practices: Systematic Review J Med Internet Res 2021;23(3):e25698 DOI: 10.2196/25698
Zimmermann B, Fiske A, Prainsack B, Hangel N, McLennan S, Buyx A Early Perceptions of
COVID-19 Contact Tracing Apps in German-Speaking Countries: Comparative Mixed Methods
Study J Med Internet Res 2021;23(2):e25525 DOI: 10.2196/25525 [CrossRef]
Aguayo G, Goetzinger C, Scibilia R, Fischer A, Seuring T, Tran V, Ravaud P, Bereczky T, Huiart
L, Fagherazzi G Methods to Generate Innovative Research Ideas and Improve Patient and
Public Involvement in Modern Epidemiological Research: Review, Patient Viewpoint, and
Guidelines for Implementation of a Digital Cohort Study J Med Internet Res 2021;23(12):e25743
DOI: 10.2196/25743 [CrossRef]
Schroeder P, Lohmann J, Ninaus M Preserved Inhibitory Control Deficits of Overweight
Participants in a Gamified Stop-Signal Task: Experimental Study of Validity JMIR Serious
Games 2021;9(1):e25063 DOI: 10.2196/25063 [CrossRef]
Wiley K, Robinson R, Mandryk R The Making and Evaluation of Digital Games Used for the
Assessment of Attention: Systematic Review JMIR Serious Games 2021;9(3):e26449 DOI:
10.2196/26449 [CrossRef]
Rodrigo-Yanguas M, Martin-Moratinos M, Menendez-Garcia A, Gonzalez-Tardon C, Royuela A,
Blasco-Fontecilla H A Virtual Reality Game (The Secret Trail of Moon) for Treating AttentionDeficit/Hyperactivity Disorder: Development and Usability Study JMIR Serious Games
2021;9(3):e26824 DOI: 10.2196/26824 [CrossRef]
Gagnon Shaigetz V, Proulx C, Cabral A, Choudhury N, Hewko M, Kohlenberg E, Segado M,
Smith M, Debergue P An Immersive and Interactive Platform for Cognitive Assessment and
Rehabilitation (bWell): Design and Iterative Development Process JMIR Rehabil Assist Technol
2021;8(4):e26629 DOI: 10.2196/26629 [CrossRef]
Zhu S, Zhuang Y, Lee P, Li J, Wong P Leisure and Problem Gaming Behaviors Among Children
and Adolescents During School Closures Caused by COVID-19 in Hong Kong: Quantitative Cross-sectional Survey Study JMIR Serious Games 2021;9(2):e26808 DOI: 10.2196/26808
Reynard S, Dias J, Mitic M, Schrank B, Woodcock K Digital Interventions for Emotion
Regulation in Children and Early Adolescents: Systematic Review and Meta-analysis JMIR
Serious Games 2022;10(3):e31456 DOI: 10.2196/31456 [CrossRef]
Mena-Moreno T, Munguía L, Granero R, Lucas I, Sánchez-Gómez A, Cámara A, Compta Y,
Valldeoriola F, Fernandez-Aranda F, Sauvaget A, Menchón J, Jiménez-Murcia S Cognitive
Behavioral Therapy Plus a Serious Game as a Complementary Tool for a Patient With
Parkinson Disease and Impulse Control Disorder: Case Report JMIR Serious Games
2022;10(3):e33858 DOI: 10.2196/33858 [CrossRef]
Manser P, Michels L, Schmidt A, Barinka F, de Bruin E Effectiveness of an Individualized
Exergame-Based Motor-Cognitive Training Concept Targeted to Improve Cognitive Functioning
in Older Adults With Mild Neurocognitive Disorder: Study Protocol for a Randomized Controlled
Trial JMIR Res Protoc 2023;12:e41173 DOI: 10.2196/41173 [CrossRef]
Preparing three document with this titles: Study of Different Existing E-logging Systems,
Design of the Appropriate E-Logging System, Cost estimate of required equipments, software
and devices for E-logging System for use in ILSF (Iranian Light Source Facility) Facility.
Study HTML5_Games_Development_by_Example_Begin( e-book for preparing to
doing final project course and implement 5 of 6 sample game that presented in this book, I only test
and execute this program not programming this games. List of this games is as follows:
Ping pong
Css3 transition
Canvas Circle Drawing
Using Local Storage to Store Game Data
Multiplayer Draw-and-Guess Game with WebSockets
Research Assisstant at Khomeini International University QAZVIN, IRAN | 2017-2023
Teaching Assisstant (TA) at Imam Khomeini International University QAZVIN, IRAN | 2017 and 2022
TA of System Analysis and Design Lesson, 2017
TA of Computer Pofessinal English Lesson, 2022
Persian (mother tongue)
Laki and Lori (mother tongue)
Persian (Country formal language)
English (upper intermediate)
Arabic (elementary)
Programming Language: C++, C#, JavaScript, JQuery, CSS3, HTML5, socket programming
UML: Rational Rose
Graphic Software: PhotoShop, Autorware, Camtasia Studio, Captivate, Snagit, Sothink SWF Easy,
TrendyFlash Intro Builder, Wondershare_Flash_Gallery_Factory, Xara3D, working with spirte sheet
Database: SQL Server Developer
Reviewing and editing articles
Managing, guiding, and coordinating Research projects
Ranked 90rd among more than 4000 participants in the national universities’ entrance exam for
B.Sc. (after associate of Science degree) degree [2012]
Ranked 593st among more than 5,000 participants in the national universities’ entrance exam for
M.Sc. degree [2016]